The Team


Jenny O Jacobsson


Jenny dedicated her life to the art of movement, spending the first half working as a professional dancer and choreographer before redirecting her career; learning and teaching the practice of Yoga. After relocating to the Algarve she shared her time between the two, thus The Movement LAB was established in 2020, the result of a dream as she was able to marry the forms and share her experience and love for these crafts in one project.

Rebecca Dodge

Modern Ballet, Contemporary Dance & Company

Rebecca trained as a professional dancer at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. After graduating she traveled to Alexandria, Egypt where she taught dance to children and adults of all ages and backgrounds. She was part of the educational team in Alexandria for a programme aimed at young adults, with no background in dance, but the desire and motivation to widen their knowledge of movement!

Since moving to the Algarve she has trained as a Pilates instructor and now finds herself as part of the team at The Movement Lab.


Gail Miles

Pilates, Beginners Adults & Company

Gail trained at London Studio Centre as a professional dancer. She is also a qualified Pilates mat work teacher, cook and wannabe drummer. She loves dancing anything from classical to the mosh pit! Gail now finds herself as part of the team at The Movement Lab.

Tess Sander


Tessa began her formal dance training in Jazz, then gaining experience in the club scene as well as on her travels to the Caribbean and London. Whilst living in Holland she was introduced to African dance and Salsa. She has also trained with international known tutors such as Tchekpo Dan Agbetou, The Flying Steps, Kimberley Taylor, Diana Matos, Rita Spider, to name but a few.

In Lagos, she had been running her own Performing Arts and Culture Studio: Kapa Dois Center for the last 12 years.

Tessa’s disciplines stretch further into Kung Fu, taught by Paul Philip Clark as well as the beautiful art of Capoeira, taught by Mestre Betão; both enhancing her fighting skills. Over the years she had been involved in Cultural Projects; coordinating youth projects, organizing concerts and workshops. Tessa is an awesome member of The Movement Lab team.

Laura Hitchens


Laura trained as a dancer at De Montford University before qualifying as a Secondary Dance Teacher from Exeter University. She was then Head of Department for a decade in Cornwall, England and absolutely loved teaching & adored her students.

Since relocating to Algarve in 2018, she had relished being a dance student under Jenny O Jacbosson. She now finds herself as part of The Movement Lab team and couldn’t be more thrilled about working with young people again.

Manuela Izaacs


Manuela began a consistent yoga practice in 2009 and started her journey as a yoga instructor in 2012. Her teaching is informed by a variety of styles and subjects she us passionate about. These include; anatomy, philosophy, biometrics and meditation. She mainly teaches in accordance with her current teacher Matt Giordano who is the creator of Chromatic Yoga. A highly intentional and well-structured experience for students to cultivate awareness of their body and mind with a step-by-step guide to peak postures and philosophical teaching.

Expect a strong, sweaty but educational experience with good music and light-heartedness for an element of fun!